May 28th Covid-19 Update from our Executive Director

This is the latest Covid update from our Executive Director, Teresa Jordan.
May 28th, 2021
To CLTH Families and Community,
It is hard to imagine that there continues to be a need to send COVID 19 update letters as we now head into June 2021. As everyone is aware, the pandemic landscape is shifting and changing with the success of the vaccinations of Ontarians and with the case numbers starting to lower. We are working closely with our local Public Health Units and our Ministry to remain in step with the guidelines and regulations.
We had a very long outbreak at one home, which was due to a small number of cases that were spread out over time making the full period of isolation 46 days. All are recovered and now as an agency we are again without any outbreaks.
The current status of visits is that family and friends can visit outside in a safe manner with social distancing and PPE, these visits need to be pre-scheduled with staff to ensure space and availability of staff. Essential visits away from our community homes can be discussed with coordinators to do a risk assessment and can be planned with safety measures in place. In our homes we continue to maintain strict protocols about staying at home and PPE for all staff. This continues to be a stressful time, huge thanks to families for their patience and to staff for t heir creativity and resilience.
Our outreach programs continue to maintain connection by phone or virtually. Coordinators in these programs continue to be creative and supportive as much as possible with the restricted face to face opportunities. Our CONNEX and community participation program remain closed, but there are indications that we could reopen in late June. As an agency we are well aware of the great social and emotional need for recreational and learning activities and we will endeavour to open as soon as we are able.
There is so much news coverage and commentary about what we are experiencing in our communities, in this country and globally. In our corner of the world, our three communities we have learned a lot about the human spirit, what is really important, the depth of gifts that staff can bring in a challenge and the strength and determination of people we serve and their families and friends.
Here is to a summer that includes gathering with friends and family and all those human connections that we are missing so desperately after these many months.
Stay well,
Teresa Jordan
Executive Director


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